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Connor's Blog (Voted #1 on this Site!)
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Las Adventuras de Tyler: La Sodomita de Ateo
Mood:  cool

Have you read Tyler's latest blog entry? (Probably not because his blog is inferior to mine and has way fewer readers, right?). Well, in that blog entry he has alleged that I'M A WHINY MORON WITH BAD TASTE. Big words from an ATHEIST SODOMITE. That's right, I'm alleging right here and now that because Tyler is an atheist, he is also a sodomite. That's not to say I'm against people who engage in sodomy or people of other religions (except CATHOLICS), but I am against the allegations that I have had "NO IDEAS!!!!!!!!" for sketches.

Let me walk you through my brain. My brain is like a marvelous factory of sketches. It's like that Willy Wonka place, but instead of Oompa Loompas, there's big ideas which work on assembly lines making smaller ideas, which are later grown into big ideas. For him to say that I have no ideas, is like me saying that your mom is an immoral slut who'll bang any living creature with functioning genitals. Although at times it's true, most of the time it's not. And also, when did we suddenly get a budget? Last time I checked we had nothing. It's just like the IMMORAL SODOMITE to hold out money from the GOD FEARING JESUS LOVER. M I RITE?

Tyler knows my sketch ideas. But time after time he has done nothing but SPREAD HIS ASS and let a loose CRAP fall ALL OVER MY BRILLIANCE. Figuratively, of course.

Anyways, Tyler... It's your move now... I will await your next blog... Til then, I'm Connor and you're still not.

Posted by preschooldropouts at 7:54 PM EDT
Thursday, 31 July 2008
So where the hell am I?
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: The Velvet Underground
So... You know, I haven't had any involvement with these videos yet. Not one. I wasn't present for the shooting, the writing, anything. All I've contributed is a movie review and a biography on the site. Tyler did shoot one of my ideas a few months ago, but he had to take it down because it was "tasteless". I want some creative control, damn it. I wanna write about Catholic on Catholic violence, domestic abuse and racism. All in one sketch. How will I do it? Well, what if a black Catholic and a white Catholic got married and the black Catholic suddenly realized (s)he was racist and unmercifully beat his/her spouse into a coma? It's not particularly funny, but it's original. That's what I'm bringing to the table. Originality.

Posted by preschooldropouts at 2:06 AM EDT

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