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Tyler's Blog time
Saturday, 9 August 2008
ongoing blog war
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Tenacious D fool

Listen I completely forgot what Connor wrote in his last entry and do you know why.... It wasn’t memorable. My blog post isn’t really either so I'm going to come up with sketch ideas now. *I just threw up in my mouth a little tasted like ice cream* anyway I don’t really have an ideas I just want too stark a band. And it could be a funny band but a band anyway. It’s an idea and I am now recruiting...Connor you’re in and so is matt RECRUTING DONE. What has the point of this post been anyway? I have no clue I'm just pumped up from watching the D. and feel motivated to do something. I'm going to go make a movie and it will be awesome and then the point I am trying to make will be made...out!!!

Posted by preschooldropouts at 10:15 PM EDT

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