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Tyler's Blog time
Saturday, 9 August 2008
ongoing blog war
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Tenacious D fool

Listen I completely forgot what Connor wrote in his last entry and do you know why.... It wasn’t memorable. My blog post isn’t really either so I'm going to come up with sketch ideas now. *I just threw up in my mouth a little tasted like ice cream* anyway I don’t really have an ideas I just want too stark a band. And it could be a funny band but a band anyway. It’s an idea and I am now recruiting...Connor you’re in and so is matt RECRUTING DONE. What has the point of this post been anyway? I have no clue I'm just pumped up from watching the D. and feel motivated to do something. I'm going to go make a movie and it will be awesome and then the point I am trying to make will be made...out!!!

Posted by preschooldropouts at 10:15 PM EDT
Sunday, 3 August 2008
A reply to connors whining
Mood:  cool

Well well now I have some blooging competition in the form of a 5 foot 8  Asian teenager. Let me clear something’s up, Connor is not in any videos because he has NO IDEAS!!!! If he had an idea that didn’t suck and was in budget and was not completely tasteless I would go for it, but he never does. I am completely willing to work with him and as you can tell from his rush hour 2 review he is funny. So come on Connor stop moaning and come up with ideas.


Ps my blog is way better


Posted by preschooldropouts at 12:33 PM EDT
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
This Is how We do it
Mood:  cheeky

Ello ello interspace world. I feel that I need to connect with our audience and make them feel.... included. Now I just need something to write about, hmmmmmmmmmm what do these young people like these days. I know everyone like political messages. Remember to vote people because if you don’t vote anyone could become president. We've already had that once and I'm pretty sure no one wants a new Bush right. Voting isn’t difficult either its just pushing buttons or something I don’t know I cant vote. Anyway yes voting good rite. Holy crap TV is bad these days. Who cares about the Jonas brothers I sure don’t. There’s this one and when he talks all these pre-teens scream...that would be so sweet. Anyway that’s not important. What was I talking about, I can’t remember so I’m just goanna plug my funny or die channel. Watch it subscribe to it, love it.




I hope u enjoyed this blog as much as I don’t care. Piece out homes



Posted by preschooldropouts at 6:52 PM EDT

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